The field of photovoltaics has recently developed into a dynamic market, which is intensively expanding. As a member of BRIC HOLDING SE, the firm BRIC ENERGY is participating in the development of renewable sources of energy:

  • as a company engaged in consulting and realisation of projects
  • as a company with international business relations
  • as a company with an open and ambitious corporate philosophy worldwide
  • as a company that is always in close contact with its partner enterprises.

We are actively operating all over Europe and to an increasing extent we also focus on overseas markets. The dynamics of the photovoltaics equipment and products makes it possible for us to continue expanding.

Maintenance of our warehouse stocks enables you to use all of the options: direct delivery with optimisation of costs and within three to five days, also immediate pick-up within a short period at short distances and at no additional cost.

For a large project, for all top manufacturers we process specific offers for a specific customer and at an excellent bargain price. After verification of good payment morale, we can provide you with a maturity of up to ten days for various manufacturers.

We maintain direct contact with the top manufacturers. For this reason, we have an excellent overview of the numerical indicators of the products and warehouses. This makes it possible for us to predict the dynamic development of prices.

In the interest of our customers, as a wholesaler company, we can on the basis of this plan strategically guarantee a stable level of prices and immediately transfer the dropping prices of modules to our customers without delay.

The BRIC ENERGY Management has long-term international experience in the energetics sector. It is a logical continuation of this tradition to uncover new business areas. The technical equipment for solar equipment in the process is mainly our professional capacity and capabilities.